Soundscape Mixpander
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Launch Cubase SX. Click “Device Setup” under the Devices menu, click “VST Multitrack” in the
list on the left of the Device Setup window, and set the ASIO Driver parameter to “SSL
Soundscape ASIO”. Click the Control Panel button and make sure the SSL Soundscape hardware
is selected as required.
Make sure the Master Clock settings are correct. Typically, the SSL Soundscape Mixer will be set
to “Internal” under menu: Settings|Master Clock and the Clock Source parameter in Cubase will
be set to “SSL Soundscape Mixer” (this is set in the VST Multitrack section of the Device Setup
In Cubase, click “New Project” under the File menu to open the New Project window, select “24
Track Audio Recorder” and click “OK”. Select or create a folder using the dialog box that will be
In Cubase, open the Mixer by pressing [F3]. Click the VST connections icon, to the left of the
…to open the VST Connections window: