78” Crown Molding LED Strip Channel
Installation Guide
Contact Us: 425.582.7533
page 1
Install the Crown Molding LED Strip Channel Raceway Base with 2-3 screws per section.
Please Note:
The Channel Raceway can be cut to length. We strongly advise that you leave
1/4 inches
of gap between Channel Raceway
Base sections at the start of each lighting placement (see illustration below).
The 1/4 inch gap provides space for extra/future connections and as you interconnect LED strips together, the excess wires can be set discreetly
onto the Channel Raceway base see
Step 2
illustration for more details.
Step 1: Install Crown Molding LED Strip Channel Raceway Base
Installation Guide
Channel Raceway Base
Crown Molding
LED Strip
LED Strip
Channel Raceway Base
Install Screws
1/4 in Gap
Carefully install the LED strip in the Crown Molding LED Strip Channel.
Please Note:
If you are interconnecting another strip or channel (please follow instruction on Step 1),
excess wires can be set discreetly onto the Channel Raceway base see illustration below.
Step 2: Install the LED strip into the Crown Molding LED Strip Channel
Place excess LED strip
wires in the Channel
Raceway Base.