Step 1
Search and download
CHIGO US from the App
Store or Android Store
Step 2
Open CHIGO US and
register for a new account
Step 3
Fill out form and click the Regis-
ter button. (Email will be sent
with confirmation instructions)
Step 4
Login with username
and password
Step 5
Click Add
Step 6
Begin Setup
(Automatically routes to
WiFi networks)
Step 7
Choose Chigo
device from list of
available networks
Step 8
Select WiFi Network
you would like to use to
control device
(Automatically routes
back to the Chigo US
Step 9
Select new device for full control
(Enter WIFI Network
Note: If the device name is unable to be found from the net-
work list or the device is un
registered from the APP, the
Fi module needs to be reset.
To reset the Wi
Fi module, hold down both Mode and
Timer buttons for over 5 seconds until the beeping sound is