Positioning your solar panel
Before positioning your Lumify solar panel please think very carefully about the location you intend to put it in. Lumify
can be charged quickly via USB so they can work in locations that get little or no sunlight, but a good solar panel location
will mean you will hardly ever need to rely USB charging. Panels that are mounted higher up in a south, south-east or
south-west facing locations always perform best. Always try to avoid shaded areas that are obstructed by buildings,
trees, fences, sheds, bushes or the shadows that these create. Please remember that there is 2m of cable between
your solar panel and control tube and a further 2m of cable between your control tube and the first LED bulb.
Stake mounting your solar panel
Before attempting to push the stake into the ground, please ensure that the solar panel is not attached and that the
ground is not too hard. Any damage caused to your solar panel as a result of attempting to drive into hard ground is not
covered by your warranty. If the ground is too hard, pour water on the desired area to soften the ground and make a hole
using a strong metal object before driving your stake into that hole. Almost all of the stake needs to be under ground
with only the piece above the ridge being above ground. Once that is done gently twist the solar panel shaft onto the top
piece and then attach the solar panel.
Wall, fence or deck mounting your solar panel
Attach the wall mount to your wall, fence or decking using the supplied screws and screw-plugs. Once your wall mount
is in place, locate your solar panel and attach it to the mount.
Vertical and horizontal tilt
Your Lumify solar panel can be tilted horizontally and vertically to achieve the perfect angle to catch most of the sun. To
make vertical adjustments loosen off the thumb screw that attaches the solar panel to the solar panel mount and adjust
the tilt angle. Once you are happy tighten up the thumb screw. To make horizontal adjustments simply tilt the solar panel
into the desired angle and it will stay in place. If it does not hold firm, tighten up the two screws either side of the ball joint
on the underside of the solar panel.
Positioning your control tube
The Lumify control tube offers an extremely high level of waterproofing so long as the screw cap and the two
connectors (solar panel connector and LED light string connector) have been fully tightened. Within reason you can
position your control tube anywhere within two meters of your solar panel and two meters of the first LED bulb on the
light string. It is recommended that you use the hoop on the top of the control tube cap to secure or hang it from
something above ground level, but you can rest the tube on the ground so long as it is not at risk of being submerged in
standing water.
Lumify is a 3 piece system consisting of the LED light
string, control tube and solar panel. The solar panel is
connected to control tube by a 2m cable and there is
2m of cable between the control tube and the first LED
bulb on the light string.
Setting up your lights
Connecting your solar panel to the control tube
Now that your solar panel is installed it is time to connect it to the control tube. Start by rotating the control tube so that
the Lumify logo is facing you. Connect the solar panel lead into the right hand socket on the control tube and then fully
tighten the valve. Please note that the connector can only go into the socket on the control tube one way so please
make sure you have checked the connector alignment before you attempt to connect it.
Placing your lights
Before you begin placing your lights, please make sure that the connector on the LED light string will be within reach of
the control tube once you have placed your lights in your intended location.
N.B. Putting too much stress on your LED light string or solar panel cable can significantly reduce Lumify’s life
expectancy. Always ensure that there is some slack on the solar panel cable and LED light string. Never have the
control tube dangling unsupported from the end of the solar panel cable or LED light string. If you plan to wind your
LED light string around trees do not wind the string too tightly as the diameter of the tree trunk will increase as it
grows which will stress the string over time. Failure to follow this guidance may invalidate your warranty.
Connecting your LED light string to the control tube
Once you have finished placing your lights it is time to connect the LED light string to the control tube. Start by rotating
the control tube so that the Lumify logo is facing you. Connect the LED string lead into the left hand socket on the
control tube and then fully tighten the valve. Please note that the connector can only go into the socket on the control
tube one way so please make sure you have checked the connector alignment before you attempt to connect it.
Operating Instructions
Lumify USB Solar Fairy Lights are fully automatic so once turned on they will come on automatically at night and turn off
automatically after 8 hours unless you turn them off at the switch. To turn your solar lights on simply slide the power
switch on the control tube to either ‘S’ (Standard) or ‘P’ (Powersaving) mode.
Powersaving Mode
Powersaving mode is for those that don’t have a great solar panel location available and aren’t able to USB charge.
Lumify’s advanced Powersaving mode reduces brightness slightly which doubles the runtime of the lights each night. To
select Powersaving mode slide the power switch in the control tube to the ‘P’ position. In Standard mode (’S’) the lights
will operate at full brightness.
Lighting Modes:
There are 8 modes available on your Lumify USB Solar Fairy Lights which includes flashing and alternating sequences as
well as steady on where all lights stay on all the time. To change modes simply press the Mode button on the control tube
(please see control tube layout). Once you have selected your favorite mode Lumify will remember it and come on it that
mode automatically each night.
Water Ingress:
Lumify offers an exceptionally high level of protection against water ingress, but this protection is not unlimited. Always
ensure that the control tube cap , solar panel cable and LED string connectors have been fully tightened to the control
tube. Always avoid placing your control tube, solar panel or LED string in areas where they will be in constant contact with
Failure to follow this guidance may invalidate your warranty.
Indoor use
Lumify USB Solar Lights can be used inside as well as outside. To use your lights indoors simply unscrew the cap on the
control tube and remove the battery by pressing down on the battery compartment lid and sliding it left. Once the
battery has been removed close the battery compartment lid. Now disconnect the solar panel and store this safely with
the battery and the control tube cap which you will not need when using Lumify inside.