Heating control - user manual
Instructions for the installation and setup
of the device
Page 38 of 58
The daily statistics are always reset immediately after midnight, i.e. at 12:00 am. At the
same time the values of the just finished day are transferred to the history. When you change the
date in the controller, the saved history may be irretrievably erased!
It shows a subset of selected data (temperatures) for the last week in a graphic representation.
It shows monthly statistics in the current month or optionally for up to 12 months back. The option is specified
in the relevant drop-down list. It shows selected data from the main control blocks.
Description of the types of shown values:
Temperature type item – it shows the minimum and maximum temperature in the given month and
the arithmetic mean for the relevant month. The data is only read if the temperature is valid.
Power type item – it shows the minimum and maximum power (of the pump, etc.) and the arithmetic
mean for the relevant month. In order to provide more objective information the data is only read if
the device power is not zero.
Counter type item – it shows the counter signalling the time of switching on or the activity of the given
device for the relevant month.
: The current day will be shown in the year history (current month) only after it has been saved in the
history (after midnight).
It shows a subset of selected data (temperatures) for the last 12 months in a graphic representation.
A description of the buttons follows at the bottom part of the web interface and also of other configuration
“Open” – it opens a configuration from the disk.
“Save” – it saves a configuration on the disk. Due to the security restrictions of browsers saving is
usually permitted only in the folder designated for downloading (“Downloaded Items”, etc.).
“Read” – it reads a configuration from the controller.
“Write” – it writes a configuration in the controller and optionally it resets the controller. The write is
protected against unauthorized access by authorization.
“Reload” – in the case of a communication failure in some cases it can help reload the connection with
the controller faster.
“Configuration/object name” – it is used for assigning a name to the building with the installation or
possibly also to the current configuration. The text can have a maximum of 16 characters in the ASCII
This dialog is available in various control blocks and it enables optimizing the management of a specific block
according to the time, day of the week, etc.
Every time schedule is placed on one line in the dialog.