Solar Expedition 450W Solar Array
July 2021
Solar Stik
a. Connect the four
(4) PV panels on
a single rack in
series using the
diagram (Figure 10).
There will be one
(1) free connector
at each end of the
rack of panels
Connect these
two (2) free ends
to the appropriate
connectors of the
30’ Solar Leash.
Figure 9. Connecting H4 PV solar panel leads
Figure 10. Connect negative and positive
ends of cables as shown
30’ Solar Leash
3 Connect the four (4) PV Panels of the Expedition in Series
Figure 11. Loose solar panel lead wires (A) versus tucked away, protected wires and
H4 PV connectors (B)
b. Stow the hanging
panel wires and
connectors (Figure
11 A) in the interior
of the horizontal
support rail (Figure
11 B) and secure
with cable ties to
reduce the likelihood
that they become
exposed to water or
otherwise damaged.