The solar control unit will circulate water through the solar collectors
until a temperature of 70°C to 80°C is reached.
During periods of low solar energy gain, the water temperature can
be boosted by the thermostatically controlled electric booster
heating unit. Refer to
on page 8.
Solahart recommends the thermostat is set at 60°C to maximise
solar contribution.
AS 3498 requires that a water heater provides the means to
inhibit the growth of Legionella bacteria in potable water. This water
heater can satisfy this AS 3498 requirement provided the electric
booster is energised for a sufficient period each day and the electric
booster thermostat setting is 60°C or higher.
If this water heater is installed with an in-series continuous flow gas
booster, then this requirement of AS 3498 can be satisfied provided
the booster is energised, its preset outlet temperature setting is
70°C or higher and a remote temperature controller is not used.
If this water heater is installed with an in-series storage booster, then this requirement of AS 3498 can be
satisfied provided the storage booster is energised and its thermostat setting is 60°C or higher.
This water heater can deliver water at temperatures which can cause scalding. Check the water temperature
before use, such as when entering a shower or filling a bath or basin, to ensure it is suitable for the
application and will not cause scald injury.
We recommend and it may also be required by regulations, that an approved temperature limiting device be
fitted into the hot water pipe work to the bathroom and ensuite when this water heater is installed. This will
keep the water temperature below 50°C at the bathroom and ensuite. The risk of scald injury will be reduced
and still allow hotter water to the kitchen and laundry.
The water heater features a tradesperson adjustable thermostat. This requires a licensed tradesperson to
make any temperature adjustments. The thermostat has a maximum temperature setting of 70°C and a
minimum temperature setting of 60°C.
We advise you have your electrician adjust the thermostat to the lowest setting which meets your needs,
especially if there are young children or elderly people in the home. Refer to
on page 7.
Where damage to property can occur in the event of the water heater leaking, the water heater must be
installed in a safe tray. Construction, installation and draining of a safe tray must comply with AS/NZS 3500.4
and all local codes and regulatory authority requirements.
The water heater must be maintained in accordance with the Owner‟s Guide and Installation Instructions.
Refer to
on page 14 and to
“Anode Inspection and Replacement”
on page 18.
If this water heater is to be used where an uninterrupted hot water supply is necessary for your application or
business you should ensure that you have back up redundancy within the hot water system design. This
should ensure the continuity of hot water supply in the event that this water heater were to become
inoperable for any reason. We recommend you seek advice from your plumber or specifier about your needs
and building back up redundancy into your hot water supply system.
typical maximum
temperature from solar gain
maximum recommended
supply temperature to
bathrooms and ensuites
minimum booster setting
maximum booster setting