The solar hot and solar cold pipes between the solar storage tank and the solar collectors
The full length of the solar hot and solar cold pipes
insulated. The insulation must:
be of a closed cell type or equivalent, suitable for a solar water heating application and capable of
withstanding the temperatures of the fluid generated by the solar collectors under stagnation conditions
be at least 13 mm thick, however thicker insulation may be required to comply with the requirements of
AS/NZS 3500.4
be weatherproof and UV resistant if exposed
extend through any penetrations in the eaves, ceiling and roof
cover valves and fittings in the solar hot and solar cold pipe work
be fitted up to and cover the connections on both the solar storage tank and the solar collectors.
The insulation will offer corrosion protection to a metal roof against water runoff over the copper pipe, assist
in avoiding accidental contact with the solar pipe work as high temperature closed circuit fluid can flow from
the solar collectors to the solar storage tank and also reduce pipe heat losses.
There must be a continuous fall in the pipe work from the solar collector to the solar storage tank. The
continuous fall is essential to assist in the drain back function of the solar system.
Plastic pipe
be used, as it will not withstand the temperature of the closed circuit fluid generated
by the solar collector under certain conditions
Solar Circuit
The solar circuit must be installed with a continuous fall of a minimum 5° (1 in 10 grade) in the pipe work
from the solar collector to the solar storage tank, with the full length of the solar hot and solar cold pipes
insulated and the system charged with correctly mixed closed circuit fluid to offer protection against freeze
damage. The system has NO WARRANTY for freeze damage if there is not a continuous fall in the solar hot
and solar cold pipes, or they are not insulated in accordance with the installation instructions, or the closed
circuit fluid has been incorrectly mixed (refer to
“Terms of the Solahart Warranty”
on page 7).
The anti freeze control of the solar circuit is designed so there is no closed circuit fluid in the solar collector or
solar cold and solar hot pipes when the pump is off.
Gas Booster Water Heater
The gas booster has a frost protection system. The frost protection system will protect the gas booster from
damage, by preventing ice forming in the waterways of the gas booster, in the event of freezing conditions
The gas booster frost protection system will be rendered inoperable if electrical power is not available at
the water heater. Damage caused by freezing due to the unavailability of power at the water heater is
not covered by the Solahart warranty (refer to
“Terms of the Solahart Warranty”
on page 65).
If it is necessary to switch the power off to the water heater and there is a risk of freezing, then it is
necessary to drain the gas booster (refer to
“Draining the Gas Booster Water Heater”
on page 9).
Pipe work to and from the water heater must be adequately insulated to prevent freezing.
The water heater is not suitable for installation in areas where the ambient temperature falls below -20°C
(including wind chill factor).
Refer to
“Terms of the Solahart Warranty”
on page 65.