Flowpad Bedienungsanleitung
4.3 Intelligent alarm
Activation of the anti-theft alarm
Park the device and press the -button on the remote control. The device will beep once and the alarm is activated. If the
device is moved in this condition it will sound off an alarm that lasts for 15 seconds.
Deactivation of the anti-theft alarm
Press the -button on the remote control to leave the alarm mode. You can use the same button to deactivate the alarm
if the device is turned on.
Activation of the device via remote control
Press the -button twice to turn on the device. You will hear a long beep as confirmation.
Finding the device
Press the
-button once and the device will beep 5 times in order to signal its position to you. Press any button to turn
off the beeping.
Sensitivity settings (optional)
Turn off the device and keep the
X-button pressed until the device will produce short alarm sounds. One short alarm
sound means the device is in its most sensitive mode (mode 1). Two short alarm sounds mean the device is in sensitivity
mode 2 and so forth. The device has 4 different sensitivity modes, mode 4 being the least sensitive.