The device’s menu consists of 3 items:
Radioactivity – enter the radioactivity detecting mode
Nitrat-tester – enter the nitrate measuring mode
Main menu – device settings
Main menu
● Units
In this item you select units to measure the radiation background: mcR/h or
There are many different units to measure radiating doses.
– in use since 1928 to measure generated radiation or exposure
– in use since 1979, named after Rolf Sievert – a Swedish scientist.
100 Roentgen = 1 Sievert, provided that only the biological effect of
radiation is considered.
By dividing 1 Sievert by 1000 we receive a millisievert. 1 mSv is one
thousandth of one Sievert. Millisievert is often used as a measure unit in
diagnostic procedures (X-raying, X-ray computed tomography etc.)
Microsievert – 1 mcSv – is one thousandth part of a millisievert or one
millionth part of one Sievert. Film photofluorography equals 500-800 mcSv,
digital is 60 mcSv. Computed skull tomography on a step-by-step tomograph
ensures 1,000-15,000 mcSv, a modern spiral tomograph gives 400-500
mcSv, and a maxillofacial tomograph with two-dimensional sensor ensures
45-60 mcSv.
If radiation background exceeds 0.4 mcSv/h., you need to look for the
reasons of this exceeding.
If radiation background exceeds 1.2 mcSv/h., it is not recommended to stay
in this place, it may be dangerous.
Natural radiation background in Russia is 0.05-0.20 mcSv/h. (5-20 mcR/h.).