Registration & Unlocking
Registering your Snooper S2
The database built into your Snooper S2 is populated with the latest database
available during production. However you will need to register your S2 to
receive a unique unlock code before you can use the device. Please note that
the database may not be 100% accurate due to the time elapsed between
production and you receiving your S2. Therefore it is recommended that you
perform a download as soon as possible to ensure that you S2 works as
affectively as possible.
There are four ways of registering your unit as follows:-
Register On-line
Go to the official Snooper website and register on-line. Your unit
should be activated and your unlock code supplied within one hour of registration.
By Telephone
Contact us by telephone on 0870 787 0700. Your unit should be activated and
your unlock code supplied within 1 hour of registration.
By Fax or Post
Fill out the registration form included with your S2 and fax it to 0870 787 1700.
Your unit should be activated within 1 hour.
If you would like to register by post send the completed registration form to us at:-
Performance Products Ltd
Cleaver House, Sarus Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, WA7 1UL
If you register by post your unit should be activated within 24 hours of our
receipt of your completed registration form.
If you register by post or fax please indicate how you would like us to supply
your unlock code i.e. by return fax or post and the details where you would like it
Unlocking your Snooper S2
After you have registered your unit you will be supplied with a unique unlock code.
You then need to enter the number into your device using the following method:-
For example if your unlock code is 48.
Power up your S2 whilst holding down the MUTE/DIM button. This will put
the S2 into the unlock mode.
As the unlock code is 48, you need to first enter the number 4 and then the
number 8. Therefore press the MEM/DEL button 4 times and then press
the MUTE/DIM button to confirm the entry. Next press the MEM/DEL
button 8 times and again press the MUTE/DIM button to confirm the entry.
If your S2 is locked the two outer red LED’s will flash every 3 seconds. Once
you have successfully entered the two digits your S2 will enter the standby mode
with the central red LED flashing every second to indicate it is searching for
satellite lock.
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