Vega-MV Router Multiviewer - User Manual
Issue 1 Revision 2
Page 161
© 2017 SAM
Example: Setting up GPI input as a Tally
Connection to Other Equipment 9.4
9.4 Example: Setting up GPI input as a Tally
In this example the first GPI input on the first rear video card is to be setup as the tally source
for Source 2. It is assumed that Source 2 is the source for the second tile.
Step 1 - Setup the second tile to get its tally from the hardware input:
Double click on the second tile to open the Object Properties.
Go to the Properties tab, within this go to the Tally sub-tab.
Tick the Enabled check box.
Set the Left-Right sources to Hardware1-Hardware1.
The setup should now appear as shown in Figure 116
Figure 116 Tile set up to use the Hardware as its Tally Source.