Firmware Update
Firmware is the command software that fixed in receiver box, and the receiver box works according to
firmware. Though firmware is fixed in receiver box, users can update firmware by following these steps:
When you update firmware, you will lose current configuration settings, so make sure you remember the
settings before you update.
Download the latest firmware upgrade file from the manufacturer website, and save it in the root directory
of your USB storage device.
The format of update file’s name is “update8961A1-X.X.X.tar.gz”, you can rename it, but please don’t
change its extension name, otherwise the box will can’t identify the update file.
Plug the USB storage device into the USB connector at the front of the box. Then press “
” key to
enter in the main menu and select
Firmware Update
, and press “
” to enter in the
Update Files List
menu. It will list all the update files in the root directory.
You can also press “
” key to enter in the
System Information
menu and press “
” key to enter in
Update Files List
menu directly.