Quick-Start Guide
Quick-Start Guide
Tap Contacts to open it. The Contacts page offers management functions. It
allows you to view the list of contacts and related details, make a call or send
an SMS to a certain contact, and share the contact.
Contact import:
On the Contacts page, tap the Menu button, and choose
Import/Export to select a mode for importing or exporting a contact.
Add a contact:
On the lower right of the Contacts page, tap the create new
contact button to add a contact to your phone or USIM/SIM. Enter the name
and number, and tap Finish. In this way, a contact is created.
Contact list:
On the Contacts page, tap any of the contact info. Details about
the contact is displayed. This allows you to quickly make a call or send an
SMS to the contact.
Search contact:
On the Contacts page, tab Search, and enter related
information about a certain contact to search it among the list of contacts.
Select the Message application through the menu or on the home screen to
create and send an SMS or MMS.
New Message:
Tap the Add icon on the upper right of the Message page.
The message creating page is displayed. Enter the name or phone number of
the target contact into the Recipient bar. The phone will automatically search
among the list of contacts for one that best matches the entered info. (You
can also select the contact from the list of contacts or groups.)
Input method:
Tap the text editing zone to invoke the keypad. Short press
the # key to switch your input method.
After an SMS is complete, tap Send.
Basic Operations
Basic Operations