Setup and Opera�on
2. Plug the home adapter into an outlet or the car adapter into your car’s power
3. Turn on the massager and select your desired se�ngs through below controller.
4. Addi�onal dust-proof sleeve is provided to cover the massage heads for
so�ening purpose
when needed.
1. Connect the adapter cable to the cable on the cushion.
Note: Press the Power bu�on to turn on the massager and ac�vate the default
se�ng massage mode i.e. the massage heads will rotate clockwise at high level
of intensity and with hea�ng, un�l it auto shuts off or press the corresponding
bu�on to change it.
This device will switch off automa�cally a�er 15 minutes �mer runs out.
Power Bu�on
Press to turn on the
massager and ac�vate
shiatsu clockwise rota�on
at high level, Press again
to turn off the massager
Direc�on Bu�on
When the massager is
turned on,Press to shi�
Shiatsu clockwise rota�on
or Shiatsu an�-clockwise
Intensity Bu�on
When the massager is
turned on,Press to set
the shiatsu intensity at
high or low level
Heat Bu�on
When the massger is turned
on. Press to turn on or off
the heat