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Safety Instruc�ons

Please read the following instruc�ons carefully before pu�ng your massage device

into use to ensure trouble-free opera�on and op�mum efficiency. Please retain

these  instruc�ons for further reference!

•  The device conforms to recognized technical principles and the latest safety regula�ons. 

•  This items is NOT A TOY. Close supervision is necessary when this appliance is used by , on,

    or near children or disabled persons. Do not allow children to play with product .

•   Do not allow more than one person to use this product at a �me.

•  The device should never be le� una�ended when plugged in.

•  Never use any power sources other than UL standard home adapter provided as original 

    equipment with this massage device.

•  Any possible repairs may only be carried out by authorized expert staff. Improper use and 


unauthorized repairs are not permi�ed for safety reasons and lead to loss of warranty. 

•  Please avoid contact of the device with water, high temperatures and direct sunlight.

•  Do not damage ,process ,excessively bend ,pull hard ,twist or knot power cord.

• Do not use any damaged cables, plugs or loose sockets. 

• Do not use the product when the power cord is damaged.

•  In case of malfunc�on, disconnect immediately from the mains. 

•  Misuse or incorrect use excludes any liability for damage.   

•  Do not use while you sleep.

•  In order to avoid excessively s�mula�ng the muscles and nerves, the recommended 


massage �me should not be exceeded 15 minutes at a �me. 

•  Do not use this product for medical treatment.

• People who are insensi�ve to heat must be accompanied by normal person when using 

   this massage device.


During use, if you feel abnormal, please stop using this product immediately, and then 

   consult your doctor


• Do not use this product for medical treatment.

Failure to observe the above instruc�ons may cons�tute misuse of the product and can cause 

serious injury or burns.

1.Those who are using electronic medical instrument imbedded in the body ,

   such as cardiac, pacemaker etc.

2.Those who are being treated by doctors ,especially those who feel uncomfortable.

3.Those who are malignant tumor pa�ents ,heart disease pa�ents,acute pa�ents.

4.Women who are pregnant or menstrua�ng.

5.Those with osteoporosis or fracture spine.

6.Those with skin disease or those whose skins areinjured.

7.Those whose body temperature is over 38 degrees(Febrile Phase).

We recommend that those with any of the following condi�ons 

consult a doctor before using this massage device.
