background image


Controller Instruc�ons

When power failure happens during massage, please turn off the power and

pull out of the plug from socket.

Please do not let your hand or fingers close to and inserted into the gap of products  

for preven�ng any injuries caused.

Please do not let children and pets play the product for preven�ng any accident happened.


Please don’t put water or other liquid on the control panel.

Please don’t press the bu�on too long �me at a �me to avoid the program confused.

Turn of

 f the massager by pressing the power bu�on on the remote controller or control panel.

A�er use


Remove the plug from the power supply socket.

Power Bu�on:

1st press: 

turn on the device, it starts to work at Mode I (always on mode I), 

 high intensity, and high level of hea�ng. 

2nd press:

 shi� to medium intensity. 

3rd Press: 

shi� to low massage intensity. 

4th press: 

turn off the device.


Intensity Bu�on:

Press to cycle high-->medium-->low-->medium-->high... level of 

massage intensity

Power Bu�on:

Press to turn on the device, it starts to work at Mode I, high massage 

intensity, and high level of hea�ng. Press again to turn off the device.

Option 1: Use wireless remote controller

Heat Bu�on:

Mode Bu�on:

Press to cycle Mode I--> II--> III--> II--> I--> II--> III...


Press to cycle high/low/off se�ngs of Hea�ng func�on. And the 

corresponding indicator will be red/purple/green


When pressing Mode bu�on, the buzzer sounds “DI”/”DI DI”/”DI DI DI”, it indicates

mode I/mode II/mode III respec�vely; when pressing Heat bu�on, it respec�vely indicates low/

medium/high level of hea�ng; when pressing intensity bu�on, it indicates low/medium/high 

massage intensity

 Heat bu�on:     

Press to turn on /off hea�ng func�on.

Option 2: Use control panel on the product

Power Bu�on

Mode Bu�on

Heat Bu�on

Intensity Bu�on

Power Bu�on

Heat Bu�on
