LED Lights Explanation and Troubleshooting
Each flash indicates 3dB of gain reduction also known as gain attenuation.
For example: three flashes equals 9dB of attenuation.
Green LED
indicates loop oscillation status. When flashing it means reduction of
gain. To improve you need to spread the distance between the inside and outside
antennas. If you spread them far enough away, the Green LED
will become SOLID ON.
Orange LED
indicates RX (outside signal) status.
There are 5 Orange LED lights: 700 Mhz Lower, 700 Mhz Upper, 850 Mhz,
1700/2100 Mhz,1900 Mhz ext. LED ON state indicates that the RX (Receive Signal)
function of the band is functioning normally.
LED OFF state indicates that the band is shut down.
When Orange LED is flashing it indicates reduced gain also known as attenuation
of gain. You cannot prevent this condition. It means that the outside signal is very
strong and the booster has reduced it's gain in order to protect the closest cell
tower. If the cell tower which is close is the one you are using, then you can ignore
the gain reduction and you will still get enough signal strength to cover your area.
In this case this is the normal operating process.
If the close cell tower is not the one you are using, then you can try to relocate
your outside antenna away from this cell tower and face it or point it to the cell
tower you are using in order to get more gain.
Si vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez contacter [email protected]
Et nous allons vous aider à déterminer l’emplacement de la tour cellulaire et vous aider à configurer.
Installation optionnelle d'antenne intérieure double (Fig. 2)
(Pièces supplémentaires nécessaires qui ne sont pas incluses
dans le kit Amplificateur.
1) Choisissez un modèle diviseur pour vos besoins. Pour 2 antennes intérieures
utiliser un diviseur 2 voies et pour 3 antennes intérieures utiliser un diviseur
3 voies etc ...
2) Montez les antennes intérieures dans les zones qui ont besoin d'une
couverture cellulaire
3) Distribuer uniformément les antennes à travers les étages et les zones à couvrir
4) Allumez l'unité Amplificateurr et vérifiez l'amélioration de la puissance du signal
comme requis