The equipment is fixedly mounted on the roof. The floor must bear the weight of
the device,but also bear the force moment because of partial load and the operation. In
order to ensure the safety, the floor should have enough bearing capacity and strength.
Users can make construction according to the following pictures.
Floor installation program
pressure plate
floor plate
on the roof
roof of
decorative layer
m ounting
m ounting base
picture 1: the roof w ith decorative layer
pressure plate
floor plate
on the roof
m ounting disk
m ounting base
picture 2: the roof w ithout decorative layer
m o unting
d isk
m o unting b a se
screw M 1 2
nut M 1 2
sp ring w a sher 1 2
fla t w a sher 1 2
p ressure p la te
p icture 3 : enla rg ed view o f screw a ssem b ly