Level 1®
| Operator’s Manual
S E C T I O N 5 • I n i t i a l S e t u p a n d D a i l y U s e
Daily Use
The Operating Instructions for the Level 1® Convective Warmer are grouped into six steps.
Read through each step before performing a procedure.
Step 1: Plug Into Mains Power
1. Plug the power cord into a properly grounded MAINS receptacle to power on the warmer.
2. Verify that the LED indicators for Standby (
), Ambient Air, 37° C, 40° C, 43° C (
), Over
Temperature, Maintenance, and Occlusion (
) all light in turn during the automatic selftest.
When the self test is complete the Standby LED lights green.
3. Ensure hose connection to back of warmer is firmly seated.
4. Ensure the standby indicator is lit, signifying electrical power is applied.
Step 2: Select the Convective Warming Blanket
Refer to the Warnings and Precautions in the Instructions for Use supplied with each
Smiths Medical convective warming blanket.
Determine which convective warming blanket is appropriate for the patient. Contact Smiths Medical
or your local Smiths Medical distributor for a list of convective warming blankets available.