A. GPS Speedometer
- The speedometer indicates ground speed of the vehicle in miles per hour and
kilometers per hour using GPS technology. The antenna is on top of the Roll Bar.
B. Ignition Switch
- The ignition switch has three positions: Off - Run - Start. Turn key to run, leave there
until engine light goes out. Then turn key to start.
C. Engine Indicator Light
- Light flashes if there is an engine issue. If light is flashing. Shut off engine and
refer to engine manual.
D. Water Temperature Light
- Temperature light will come on when the engine starts to overheat.
E. Oil Light
- The oil light should come on when the ignition is on without the engine running and go out
when the engine is running. The oil light will light when the oil pressure is low. If oil light should come
on, shut engine off immediately and find the cause.
F. Hand Throttle
- The hand throttle is used to regulate engine speed.
G. Fuel Gauge
- Electronic fuel gauge indicates level of fuel in tank.
H. Lights
- This rocker switch turns lights on by pushing on the top and off by pushing on the bottom.
Lights are located under front floorboard.
I. Tank Agitation
- The rocker swithc allows driver to turn on/off tank agitation without leaving driver seat.
J. Spray Pump
- This rocker switch turns the spray pump on by pushing on the top and off by pushing
on the bottom.
The buzzer sounds if the pump is running dry.
Buzzer is located on left side center
K. Ground Speed (Cruise) Control Lock
- This rocker switch locks in ground speed once it is achieved.
L. Ground Speed (Cruise) Control
- This rocker switch initiates cruise control by pushing on the top and
turning it off by pushing on the bottom. Works with ground Speed Control Lock switch.
M. Right Boom Switch
- This rocker switch lifts and lowers the right boom.
N. Left Boom Switch
- This rocker switch lifts and lowers the left boom.
O. Hour Meter
- The hour meter indicates hours of machine operation. It operates only when the ignition
switch is on.
P. Acceesory blanks for foamer switches.
Q. Accessory blanks for sonic boom switches.
R. Console Lock
- Turn clockwise and lift panel to access battery and wiring of gauges.