2.1.7 Electrical connection
All electrical connections must be carried out in
accordance with IEE regulations by an accredited
electrical installation company. The control box of the
ADMP models must be connected to the mains by
means of a permanent electrical connection. A main
switch must be fitted in the phase between the
permanent connection and the heater. The feeder cable
must have cores of at least 3 x 1.0 mm². Always check
with a voltage tester if the phase and the zero have been
connected correctly in the control box. The electricity
supply must comply with the requirements below:
fuse to a
minimum of
220/240 V AC
50 Hz
16 A
(-15% / +10%)
(+/- 2%)
The electricity diagram can be found in the appendix
Then drill two small holes in the top lid of the heater and
fix the draught diverter with the two self-tapping screws
provided (see diagram 9).
The stainless steel discharge pipe must have at least
the same diameter as the connection on the draught
diverter. The discharge pipe must start from the draught
diverter with a vertical section of at least 0.5 m. No
modifications may be made to the draught diverter
discharge or any covers attached to it.
Diagram 9 – Fitting the draught diverter
2.1.6 Thermal Reflux Safeguard (TRS)
The temperature sensor and the thermostat of the
Thermal Reflux Safeguard (TRS) must be mounted on
the draught diverter in the correct way and in the proper
position. Do this as follows:
Remove the TRS from the packaging.
Insert the temperature sensor from the outside
through the hole in the draught diverter.
Mount the thermostat onto the draught diverter with
the self-tapping screws provided (see diagram 10)
Mount the temperature sensor at the correct position
on the lower edge of the draught diverter by means of
the clamps and the M4 screws provided (see
diagram 10)
Fix the TRS cabling on the draught diverter with two
clamps (see diagram 9).
Lead the TRS cabling to the cable duct on the heater.
Fix the cabling to the heater with the remaining
Diagram 10 – Mounting the TRS on the draught diverter