For Assistance in assembling product, missing or damaged parts,
or to place an order, please contact customer service at 800-328-1061
You may also place your order online at
Form# 179833
Special Notes:
1. Check that all components are accounted for and undamaged before assembling.
2. Please assemble product in a clean and dry area.
3. For larger units, you may need another person to help assemble the product.
4. Clean the product with a mild cleaner and a damp cloth.
Hardware and Components
Assembly Instructions
Step 1:
Place the table on a smooth, clean surface with the bo om facing up.
Step 2:
Install the leg into the EOB bracket which is already mounted on the table
Step 3:
Gently tap the legs into posi on with a rubber mallet un l the pilot hole in the table
is visible through the center hole on the leg plate.
Step 4:
Use the (7) #10x3/4” screws to secure each leg to the table. Place screw in the
center of leg plate (See Diagram #2).
#10x3/4” Truss Head Screw
P/N: 70054
(QTY: 7)
Ac vity Leg Set
(QTY: 7 to a set)
3/8”-16 Dog Nut Screw
P/N: 77741
(QTY: 5)
Horseshoe Table Top
(QTY: 1)
HEX KEY – 3/16” Short Arm
P/N: 77813
(QTY: 1)
#10 x 2” Phillips Head Screw
P/N: 77981
(QTY: 6)
Stretcher Bar
P/N: 72116
(QTY: 1)