Designed and developed by Proto Magic Innovations Ltd for SmitCare Copyright 2004-2014
Patents granted: GB 2404369 GB 2420551 Patents pending: GB1111539.1 GB1111537.5 GB1111536.7
7. The image to the right shows the
completed strapping, while the image
below illustrates how it should look with
the sheet covering the strapping.
8. If the bed does not have legs, the
two 3.5m straps may be joined
together to form one big loop around
the end of the bed. This may be
necessary with “Sleigh-beds”, for
9. Connect the yellow plug from the
motor to the corresponding transformer
socket and repeat for the hand control.
Ensure the hand control switch is in the
unlocked position. The DreamMaster
should now be fully functional.