1.8 Vicinity to Other Equipment
Use of this equipment stacked with other equipment should be avoided, unless the equipment is
an approved accessory.
Contact your local authorised dealer if assistance is required – contact details on the last page of
this manual.
1.9 Incident Reporting
If, during the use of this device or as a result of its use a serious incident has occurred, please
report it to the manufacturer and the competent authority of the member state in which the user
and/or patient is established.
1.10 Additional Warnings and Safety Notices
The user should NOT be left unattended whilst in the chair. Always ensure a
responsible therapist or carer is in attendance.
If you believe the chair or any fitted accessory to be faulty at any time,
– contact Smirthwaite Ltd. by telephone on +44 (0)1626 835552
The therapist should be familiar with the methods of adjustment and have completed
all adjustments appropriately to meet the needs of the child before transferring the
child onto the chair.
The chair is
to be used indoors on a flat level surface.
Do not exceed user maximum weight limits. Refer to section 1.5 ‘Intended Use’.
Always fasten the pelvic strap and any other straps provided with the chair.
Regular maintenance checks and cleaning are essential for the safe use of this
equipment. Refer to section 6.0 General Inspection and Maintenance.
Always keep this product away from naked flames, cigarettes and sources of heat
including open fireplaces, radiators, heaters.
fit parts or accessories of other manufacturers to this product unless
authorised to do so in writing by Smirthwaite Ltd. Failure to follow these instructions
will not only invalidate the guarantee but could make the chair dangerous to use.
Smirthwaite Ltd will not accept liability for any injury or damage incurred through such
malpractices. Any repairs required must be carried out by Smirthwaite Ltd authorised
Lap straps and harnesses must be appropriate and safe for the user and the users
clothing. Lap straps and harnesses must be checked every time the chair is used to
ensure they are fitted as prescribed by the clinician, take account of the users clothing
and are tightened so that the user cannot sustain injury. Checking the fit of lap straps
and harnesses must be done with the user in the chair and should be undertaken as
soon as the users sits in the chair.