Instructions for the Installer
1 24” (61 cm) min. when bottom of wood or metal cabinet is protected by not less than ¼ “ (0.64 cm)
flame retard millboard covered with not less than No. 28 MSG sheet steel, 0.015” (0.4 mm) stainless
steel, 0.024” (0.6 mm) aluminium or 0.020” (0.5 mm) copper. When installed in a 24” (61 cm) base
cabinet with 25” (63.5 cm) countertop – front of oven door protrudes 1-7/8” (4.8) cm beyond 24” (61
cm) base cabinet. 30” (76.2 cm) min. clearance between the to of the cooking platform and the
bottom of an unprotected wood or metal cabinet;
2 13” (33 cm) max. upper cabinet depth;
3 35- ½ “ (90 cm) min. cabinet opening widht;
4 18” (45.7 cm) upper cabinet to countertop;
5 2” (5 cm) min. clearance from the sides of range to side wall or other combustible material;
6 Junction box.