Viewing PPP Interface Details
Service Name:
(This feature is available with PPPoE interfaces but
not with PPPoA interfaces.) The name of the ISP
service you are using with this PPP connection. ISPs
may offer different types of services (for example,
for online gaming or business communications),
each requiring a different login and other
connection properties.
Last Fail Cause:
This field indicates the action that ended the
previous PPP session.
[No Valid PADO Recvd]:
The unit initiated a PPPoE handshake but did not
receive a packet in reply from the ISP.
[No Valid PADS Recvd]:
After the initial handshake, the unit did not receive
a confirmation packet from the ISP.
[Stopped by User]:
The user stopped the connection (for example,
by changing the Configuration Manager settings
for the PPP interface.)
[No Activity]:
The PPP communication timed out, in accordance
with the timeout period specified on the PPP
Configuration page.
[Auth Failure]:
The ISP could not authorize the connection based
on the user name and/or password provided.
[PADT Recvd]:
The ISP issued a special packet type to terminate
the PPP connection.
[VC down]:
The Virtual Circuit
between the unit and the ISP
is down.
[Internal failure]:
A system software failure occurred.
This is the IP address of the DNS server (located
with your ISP) used on this PPP connection.
The IP address of the secondary DNS server
(located with your ISP) used on this PPP connection.