Installing the Router
Hardware Description
The Barricade™ Router can be connected to the Internet or to a
remote site using its RJ-45 WAN port or RS-232 serial port. It can
be connected directly to your PC or to a local area network using
any of the Fast Ethernet LAN ports. It can also function as a print
Access speed to the Internet depends on your service type.
Full-rate ADSL can provide up to 8 Mbps downstream and
640 Kbps upstream. G.lite (or splitterless) ADSL provides up to
1.5 Mbps downstream and 512 Kbps upstream. Cable modems
can provide up to 36 Mbps downstream and 2 Mbps upstream.
ISDN can provide up to 128 Kbps when using two bearer
channels. PSTN analog connections can now run up to 56 Kbps.
However, you should note that the actual rate provided by
specific service providers may vary dramatically from these
upper limits.
Although access speed to the Internet is determined by the
modem type connected to your Barricade™ Router, data passing
between devices connected to your local area network can run
up to 100 Mbps over the Fast Ethernet ports.
The Barricade™ Router includes an LED display on the front
panel for system power and port indications that simplifies
installation and network troubleshooting. It also provides 4 RJ-45
LAN ports on the front panel, as well as one RJ-45 WAN port,
one RS-232 serial port and one parallel printer port on the rear
panel. Full-duplex communications allow data to be sent and
received simultaneously, doubling the effective throughput.