This will take you back to the Set-Up Menu (Step 1, page 15).
To erase all settings associated with the FR-100 (IOU), scroll to ERASE I/O BOX and press
the Ent key.
Note: If a mistake is made on any input a complete erase is not required just reprogram
the input.
The display will now show:
If Yes is selected the complete I/O Box settings will be erased and the system will return back
to the Set-Up Menu.
If No is selected the system will return to the Set-Up Menu.
Once all zones have been programmed you will need to take the system out of Set-Up mode.
From the Set-Up Menu scroll down to EXIT MENU and press the Ent key.
This will save all associated data that has been set and take the system out of program mode
and put it into monitoring mode. The FR-8000 is now ready for use!
Should a Smoke Sensor detect smoke, or fire, the text
will flash on the display. The
audible alarm will sound and both Relay 1 and Relay 2 in the FR-100 will close.
Pressing the Mute key will mute the alarm and the Relay 1 in the FR-100 will open. If the fault
condition is still present the alarm text will stop flashing and stay solid on the display. Relay 2
in the FR-100 will stay closed until the fire alarm has been cleared.
Use the Select keys to scroll to the zone requiring Isolation and press the ISOL key.
To undo simply repeat the above.
Pressing the Reset key will reset all sensors that are on.
Test Mode:
Press and hold the Mute key for 3 seconds (you will hear a bleep every second). The system
will now display a Test Menu. Use the Select keys to select the option you want to test and
press the ENT key. The system will test all programmed zones or relays.
Operating Instructions
Yes No