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General information 

Manager factory code 1-2-3-4-5-6.  
A valid entry is followed by a double signal. 
An invalid entry is followed by a long signal. 
After 5 seconds without entry, current operation will be cancelled. 


After entry of 4 consecutive invalid codes the lock will be blocked for 5 minutes (penalty).  
During penalty the LED flashes every 10 seconds. 
During penalty any key pressed causes a long signal.  
After penalty, entry of 2 more invalid codes restarts the 5 minutes blocking period. 

Low battery signal 

A series of signals indicates that the battery is weak and must be replaced.  
Only use brand new 9V ALKALINE batteries. 

Open the lock 

• Enter the code (put the dallas key on the reader if needed) (double signal).  
• If time delay has not been set open the lock within 4 seconds. 
• If time delay has been set wait for time delay counting: LED flashes every 2 seconds. 
• A signal every 2 seconds indicates time delay counting is over and open window started. 
• Enter the code (put the dallas key on the reader if needed) (double signal) and open the lock within 4 


Open the lock in dual mode 

• Enter the first code (put the dallas key on the reader if needed) (double signal). 
• If  time  delay  has  not  been  set  enter  the  second  code  (put  the  dallas  key  on  the  reader  if  needed) 

(double signal) and open the lock within 4 seconds. 

• If time delay has been set wait for time delay counting: LED flashes every 2 seconds. 
• A signal every 2 seconds indicates time delay counting is over and open window started. 
• Enter the second code (put the dallas key on the reader if needed) (double signal).  
• If first code is entered again during open window (double signal) enter the second code (put the dallas 

key on the reader if needed) (double signal) and open within 4 seconds. 

Open the lock in dual mode with time delay override 

• Enter the first code (put the dallas key on the reader if needed) (double signal). 
• Time delay counting starts: LED flashes every 2 seconds. 
• Enter  user  9  (override)  code  (put  the  dallas  key  on  the  reader  if  needed)  (double  signal)  and  open 

within 4 seconds. 

Change code 

(only change the code with safe door open). 

• Press and hold 0 until double signal. 
• Enter current user code (put the dallas key on the reader if needed) (double signal). 
• Enter new code (put the dallas key on the reader if needed) (double signal) and repeat new code (put 

the dallas key on the reader if needed) to confirm (double signal). 

• Code has been changed: try new code with door open. 

In case of any error (long signal) the old code remains valid. 
Safety reference:  

All codes are to be securely stored.  


Do not use personal data (i.e. birthdays, phone numbers, etc.).  


Change factory code before you start using the safe.  



