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While the LUX–TWR Passive Infrared (PIR) Motion Detector is a highly reliable motion detection device, it does not offer guaranteed protection against 

burglary.  Any intrusion detection device is subject to compromise or failure to warn for a variety of reasons:

PIR Detectors can only detect movement within a specific coverage area as diagrammed in this manual.  To detect movement, the PIR Detector senses the 

infrared energy that is emitted from an intruder moving across the sensor's field of view.  

PIR Detectors do not provide volumetric area protection.  They create multiple beams of protection.  Intrusion can only be detected in unobstructed areas 

covered by those beams.

PIR Detectors cannot detect motion or intrusion that takes place behind walls, ceilings, floors, closed doors, glass partitions, glass doors, or windows.

The radio transceiver only provides communications.  It does not have anything to do with detecting motion.

The LUX–TWR PIR is not a Life Safety device.  The Security/Convenience Light feature is not a substitute for, nor should it ever be utilized as a substitute 

for a visual notification appliance.  

DOCuMENt PARt NuMBER 890-046
Rev1 June 2017

For products: 
100-835 Smartlink LuX–tWR two Way Radio PIR

© 2017 Ness Corporation Pty Ltd ABN 28 069 984 372
Specifications may change without notice.

A division of Ness Corporation Pty Ltd

unit 4/56 Norcal Rd,
Nunawading vIC 3131 Australia
tel: +61 3 9875 6400 Fax: +61 3 9875 6422
Email: [email protected]
