Go-Kart PRO- Manual
A new way to get around with your Hoverboard.
It adapts to your lifestyle and follows its rhythm: a new way of traveling with your hoverboard easy, safe and comfortable. Made of high
quality materials, has a comfortable and ergonomic backrest, footrest and two rudders with which you can direct your hoverboard. In
addition, its coupling through adjustable straps, makes it compatible with most hoverboards on the market and is convenient and quick to
Sit comfortably in the seat and use the side bars as steering rudders to go left, right, continue straight or brake. It is a very simple product
to use but you must be careful not to reach high speeds.
Assembly instructions
Check that the packaging contains all the necessary components
for the correct assembly of the product; check also that the
product has not suffered any damage during its transport.
Step 1:
As shown in the picture, the saddle is screwed to the structure, make sure
you screw it firmly and safely.
Always check, before mounting, that the screws are firmly screwed.