Take the scale out of the box and place on a stable surface. Place the Top pan
correctly on the scale. Insert the DC pin of the adaptor, and connect the adaptor
to the nearest mains point and / or install 6 pcs of AA batteries by removing the
battery cover.
For best performance, do not place the scale on a surface where:
The surface has effect of Vibrations
The air movement is more, like directly under a fan, or in open in windy condition
ON / OFF Switch: The on/off switch is located on the rear side of the scales. The
switch has 3 positions. At the centre position the scale is turned off and can be
pushed left or right to run the scale on rechargeable battery or dry batteries.
Note : The scale has 3 power inputs a) Rechargeable battery, Dry Battery and
power adaptor.
ZERO: This button is used to zero an unwanted reading on the display. This
button is also used for going in to the calibration mode.
HOLD: This button is used for holding the weight on the display.
M / UP Arrow: This button is used for Setting the LO and High Limit in the
scale. The button is also used as the up arrow key in the setting menu.
Counting / Left Shift Key: This button is used for counting function. This
button is also used as the left shift key in the setting menu.
Indications: There are three visual indications in the scale which are as follows:
Power LED: When you connect the adaptor to the scale, the GREEN LED on
the bottom right side of the display will glow. When the LED will glow, you
can be sure the scale is being powered from the main supply, and that the
battery is being charged.
Stable weight indication: In the weighing or the counting mode, when you
keep the weight you will notice that the decimal point is blinking. The blinking
decimal point means that the weight is not stable. Once the weight is
stable, the decimal point stops blinking and the user can be sure that the
weight being shown is the correct weight.
Hold function: In the weighing mode if you press the hold button after
keeping the weight, the displayed weight will start blinking this means that
the hold function is active. Once the display stops blinking the hold mode is
turned off.
HOLD Function: The scale has a hold function which can be used to hold the
weight display. In weighing mode, keep a weight and wait for the decimal point to
stop blinking. Once the decimal point is stable, now user can press the HOLD
button. The display will start blinking, and the weight will be hold on the display
without any movement if you add some weight or remove some weight. Also if
you remove the total weight, the previous weight will still be displayed at which
the hold button was pressed. Now to come out of the hold mode, simply press
the hold button again, or keep a new weight. The scale will automatically
understand a new weight has been kept, and it will exit the HOLD mode, and
display the new weight correctly.
SET POINT Function: The function is mainly used for packing or check weighing
function. The user can pre define the level at which he needs the alarm to sound.
When the display is showing “0.00”, press the M button, the display will show
“SET LO”, now press the zero button, the display will show “000000” or the
previous entered value. Enter a value using the Up arrow and the left shift arrow
and then press the Zero Button. Now the display will show “SET HI” and the user
can similarly enter the HI value. The following logic is followed in this mode:
SET LO value is entered only: If the user only enters the SET LO value and
keep the SET HI value as “0.00”, the scale will sound the beep sound below
the SET LO value.
SET HI value is entered only: If the user only enters the SET HI value and
keep the SET LO value as “0.00”, the scale will sound the beep sound above
the SET HI value.
SET LO & SET HI both are entered: If the user enter both SET LO and SET HI
value, the beep will not sound below between the SET Lo and SET HI value
range, and the beep will sound below the LO value and above the HI value.
Please note the following points:
The beep sound will sound only when the stable light stops blinking, that is the
weight is stable.
The BUZZER is not provided as standard, and it needs to be installed by the
dealer / reseller. Without the buzzer installed, the beep sound cannot be
c) Counting Function: The scale has counting mode which can be used for parts
counting. In the weighing mode, keep a weight on the scale. When the decimal point
stops blinking, press the Counting Button. The display will show the value according
to the previously entered data. Now press the M button, the Display will show
“SM0010” which is selection mode for the number of pcs. Press the M button again
display will show “SM0020”, so that the user can select the appropriate number as
per the number of samples kept on the scale in the beginning. After correct selection
press the ZERO Button, the display will show the pieces counting. To go back to the
weighing mode, press the Counting Button again. You will come back to the weighing
mode and the display will show the weight. Press the counting button again and
again, to toggle between the counting mode and weighing mode.
Owner’s Manual
Shipping Scales
Cruzer Series
Owner’s Manual
Shipping Scales
Cruzer Series
Measurement Data
Weighing Scales
20kg - 75kg
Tare range subtractive
100% subtractive
Display Resolution
10,000 divisions
Application Modes
Weighing, Counting
Product Features
Pre-Set Tare, Glow Control, Set HI, LO
4 membrane keys (Hol d, Mode, Counting, and Zero)
Weighing Units
Digital with external weight.
1.8kg approx
Front Display Type
0.56” Bright red LED display
2 seconds
9V Adaptor / built in battery for backup to
25hrs. / 6 x AA dry battery
Operating Temp.
50° to 98° F / 10° to 35° C