August 2016
Sport Vega rigging guide v1-1
Page 3
When the fuselage is in position far enough away (a wing’s length) from
the trailer, place the stand firmly in position under the nose.
Remove the metal trailer fuselage support and attachments where the wing
roots fit and put to one side; when finished place back in the trailer. It is
important that the fuselage is straight and level for the wings to fit.
At this point remove the tail plane from its support at the tail and place on
the cushions. This is because the fuselage stand is not very stable and if the
fuselage tips over it could damage the tailplane.
Next, the wings—remove the port wing from the trailer by lifting the root
and dragging it out, rolling on the tip trolley and keeping the air brakes
closed. Take care that the tip doesn’t slip out of the trolley. Check the two
spherical bearings in the root are lined up as shown; one here and one
forward of the tang.
The spigots on the fuselage go in these bearings.
The second person now lifts the tip and the wing is carried to the fuselage
and rotated flat. Lift the aileron to the level position and insert the root tang