Brain Wave Tutorial:
0.5 -3 Hz................................Delta rhythm
3 -7 Hz.........................…......Theta rhythm
7 -12 Hz…..…………….........Alpha rhythm
12 -14.1 Hz……....…....(Low) Beta rhythm
frequency range emphasizes
known “Natural Magnetic Fields” on page 26
between 1
- 14.1 Hz
Delta rhythm:
associated with deep, reju-
venating sleep as respiration, heart-rate,
brain activity and all organs are utilizing
least amount of ATP to maintain life force.
Theta rhythm:
Associated with lucid
dreaming, sleep, and other mental states
where the mind is wandering, like dream-
ing, day-dreaming and imagining. Theta ir-
regularity has been linked to several neuro-
logical disease states including; Alzheim-
er’s, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, MS, ADD, ADHD,
schizophrenia, migraine, cluster and other
headache symptoms have been linked to
EarthPulse v.4.
Variable Frequency: 1
- 14.1 Hz.
electromagnetic anomalies in the Theta
frequency band by Anninos and Sandyk.
Alpha rhythm:
occur when you are re-
laxed, calm, and in a meditative state. Al-
pha rhythms also occur during sleep, par-
ticularly when falling asleep and prior to
waking. Associated with thought process
and heightened learning.
Low-Beta rhythm:
12 to 14.1 Hz (and
higher), are the “normal” waking rhythm
and occur during intense concentration. As-
sociated with alert, active thought process-
ing state with little or no stress. Frequen-
cies above low-Beta occur when agitated
or fearful.
Mid to high-Beta rhythm:
is characterized
by more and more stress and anxiety. High
Beta range associated with “Fight or Flight
Response”. Dozens of animal studies show
constant exposure to frequencies above
Mid-Beta rhythm (>15 Hz) results in stress.
Summary of Contents for EarthPulse v.4.7
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