Progressive safety gear SG
SG braking downwards
Safety instructions
Doc. 300.000.123 I Version 02.2019
Page 4
Never make any modifications, additions or conversions that might affect safety without the supplier’s
Spare parts must comply with the technical requirements specified by the manufacturer. Spare parts
from original equipment manufacturers can be relied to do so.
Adhere to prescribed intervals for routine checks and inspections!
For the execution of maintenance work tools and workshop equipment adapted to the task on hand
are absolutely indispensable.
1.3 Selection and qualification of personnel / basic responsibilities
Any work on and with the safety gear must be executed by reliable personnel only. Statutory
minimum age limits must be observed!
Employ only trained and instructed staff and set out clearly the individual responsibilities of the
personnel for operation, set-up, maintenance and repair!
Make sure that only authorized personnel works on or with the safety gear!
1.4 Safety instructions governing assembly and specific operational phases
Always wear personal protective equipment during assembly work.
Avoid any operational mode that might be prejudicial to safety!
Take the necessary precautions to ensure that the safety gear is used only when in a safe and
reliable state!
Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately secured!
For carrying out overhead assembly work always use specially designed or otherwise safety-
oriented ladders and working platforms. Wear a safety harness when carrying out maintenance
work at greater heights!
Before cleaning with water or detergents cover or tape up all openings which - for safety and
functional reasons - must be protected against water or detergent penetration.
After cleaning remove all covers and tapes applied for that purpose!
Always tighten any screwed connections that have been loosened during maintenance and repair!
Ensure that all consumables and replaced parts are disposed safely and with minimum
environmental impact!
Carry out welding or grinding work on the safety gear only if this has been expressly authorized, as
there may be a risk of explosion and fire!
Before carrying out welding or grinding operation, clean the safety gear and its surroundings from
dust and other inflammable substances and make sure that the premises are adequately ventilated
(risk of explosion)! When there is little space for working observe the national rules and regulations!
When handling oil, grease and other chemical substances, observe the product-related safety
Be careful when handling hot consumables (risk of burning or scalding)!