Slate Digital FG-‐X Virtual Mastering Console
It is suggested that when first using the FG Level, you push the Constant Gain
Monitoring button. This will allow you to start processing the mix while maintaining
Please note that the Metering Section still displays the master output levels with the
Constant Gain Monitoring engaged. You can change this behavior in the Metering
Section options.
Start by adding level to the mix via the GAIN knob. The inner meters in the meter panel
will show you the RMS level. Start by pushing the GAIN so that during the loudest
passages of the mix, the average RMS levels are about -‐10 dB FS.
Disable the power button to hear what effect is being added to the mix. Many times
you’ll find the process is extremely transparent with no other tweaking needed. In some
cases you’ll need to adjust the TRANSIENT knobs in order to match or even amplify the
original mix’s punch. You can also dial in the DYNAMIC PERCEPTION knob to add better
perceived dynamic feel to the master.
Once you have gotten the master to your desired level, turn your monitor volume down,
disengage the Constant Gain Monitoring, and turn on the DITHER. Now you are ready to
export your master.