Release the Ratchets:
To release the ratchet, pull up the vinyl coated gate inside the ratchet
handle and open all the way until flat.
The second release gate should open, releasing the spool and the line
tension should “pop” open with webbing
Continue to pull on the line till there is little tension left. Slide the
remaining line out of the ratchet.
To release all gates, open ratchet flat. Webbing will be free to unwind.
Using Your Slackline
Step 1:
Make sure all your connections are tight - See
Setup Instructions above.
Step 2:
: Remember a Slackline can be a
potentially dangerous piece of equipment and can cause
serious injury or even death. Always use adult supervision. Bystanders should maintain a
safe distance from the line 10ft (3.1m) to prevent impacts by person’s jumping/falling off the
line. If you are unsure about your health for slacklining, please consult with your doctor
before attempting.
Step 3:
STEP 2-Grab the Training Line with both hands (at first, later try using only one
hand) and while holding the line, step onto the line with your feet while keeping your elbows
up by your ears. Fix
your eyes on down the line. DON’T LOOK DOWN! Looking at your feet
will throw you off balance even more. Instead, by looking down the line or at the connecting
posts/trees it helps your balance perspective. RELAX and keep yourself loose, being rigid and
uptight prevents you from balancing properly. Your movement on the line should be as fluid
as possible.
Step 4:
STEP3-Once you get the feel of the line, try releasing one of your hands from the
training line. Once you are comfortable with only one hand, experiment by releasing your
remaining hand from the training line for longer and longer periods of time. Once you have
gotten used to “No hands” on the learner line, simply take it