Our Toss Game Combo Accessory Kit is great for all ages and can provide hours of fun for the entire
family. You can use our suggestions here or play with the games using your own ideas.
Playing with Bounce Back.
One player:
If you are playing by yourself you can use Bounce Back as target practice. Using the ball of your
choice, throw at the game trying to hit in the middle of target as many times as you can. Try throwing
from different positions and lengths for a challenge. Practice your catching when the ball bounces
back at you.
Two or more players:
Play with ball of your choice. Mark 5 throw lines on the ground in front of the game numbering them
1-5 with one being the closest line to the game.
Each player starts at line one. If they are able to hit the target from the line, the player can move back
to line 2. Player continues progressing one line back until they miss the target then it is the next play-
ers turn. The game continues like this with each player taking turns trying to make all 5 throw lines.
The first person to make all five throw lines wins!
Playing with Triple Toss.
One player:
To play this game with one player, stand your desired distance from the game (the further you stand
the harder it will be). Practice your aim by trying to toss the sandbags into the different pockets of the
game. If you would like to keep score, look at the numbers on the flaps for your points.
Two or more players:
Single Toss
Each player receives 3 sand bags. One at a time the player throws the sandbag at Triple Toss trying to
make it into a pocket.
Keep track of each player’s score and the person with the most point wins! Or play to a score, for
example the first player to reach 25 points wins!
Team Toss
For this game, create a throw line your desired distance from the game. Divide your group into two
teams and give each team one sandbag. Have the teams create two single file lines next to each other
behind the throw line.
The game begins with both players at the first of the line throwing their sandbag at Triple Toss trying
to make it into a pocket. Whether the first players make it into a pocket or not they must quickly run
up to the game to retrieve their sandbag and hand it to the next person in the line. Players who score
sit out for the rest of the game shortening the line, while players who did not score, run to the end of
the line to await their next chance to score.
The first team to finish their line with each player scoring wins!