step 1 - building the metal bed frame
Place (A) metal corners in a
rectangular shape roughly the size
of your mattress.
Lay (B) and (C) metal rails into (A) metal
corners to create the shape of your bed
frame. Snap into place.
Secure (B, C) metal rails to (A) metal
corners using (H1) bolts and (H2) nuts.
Tighten using (H9) L wrench and (H11)
Please note: (H2) nuts should be on the
inside of the frame.
Carefully attach (D) corner legs
underneath (A) metal corners using (H3)
bolts and (H4) washers. Tighten using
(H10) L wrench.
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T w i n P l a t f o r m b e d f r a m e a s s e m b l y
For all twin size PBD styles