SkyJuice SkyHydrant Set Up And Operating Instructions Download Page 4


Site Requirements. 

For the SkyHydrant to function it requires additional operating 
equipment including hoses, pipes, pumps, taps, float valves, 
water bladders, tanks, tank-stands, taps and tap stands. The 
amount of additional equipment depends on the installation being 
undertaken and individual sites requirements. 



Installations where existing roof top water tanks are available 
allows the SkyHydrant to become an “in line filter” connected to 
the existing water supply system while other installations will 
require more extensive site work and equipment. 


It is important when setting up SkyHydrant water purification 
plants to ensure correct sizing of pipes, pumps and other 


Suitability of Local Water 

Not all water is suitable for filtering through the SkyHydrant 
purification unit and testing for unsuitable contaminates should 
be undertaken before use. Contact your local water testing 
laboratory or water agent for assistance and carefully evaluate 
the surrounding watershed area to identify potential harmful 
pollutants such as upstream industrial areas, intensive 
agricultural or wastewater effluent areas. 


YES - 

The SkyHydrant 

will significantly remove


contaminates and pathogens including bacteria, viruses, 
protozoa, cysts, parasites etc making the water safe to drink. 


YES - 

The SkyHydrant 

will remove

 turbidity and dirt from water. 

However, the dirtier the water, the more often the filter needs 
cleaning to remove the build up of sediments on the filter fibres.  


NO - 

The SkyHydrant 

will not-remove

 salt or dissolved 

chemicals and minerals. If these contaminates are present at 
unsafe levels, your water may not be suitable for filtering and 


Adding Chlorine to Drinking Water Tanks. 

Water produced from the SkyHydrant purification unit is free of 
biological organisms and safe to drink however, prolonged 
storage of this water in tanks may cause deterioration in quality. 
In hot climates, tank water may stay safe for a few days whereas 
in colder climates it may stay safe for weeks. To maintain water 
quality it is good practice to disinfect drinking water tanks and 
water pipes with a small amount of chlorine to prevent the growth 
of unwanted organisms and pathogens in the stored water.  


Add sufficient chlorine into drinking water tanks to maintain a 
residual free chlorine level of between 0.2 to 0.5 milligrams per 
litre (mg/l). Use a water testing kit every few days to monitor the 
chlorine levels and make adjustments to the chlorine levels as 


As a guide for every 1,000-litres of tank water, add about 3/4 teaspoon of chlorine powder (at 65% 
available chlorine) or 1 1/2 teaspoons of chlorine powder (at 35% available chlorine). First, mix the 
chlorine in a small bucket of water to make a solution before adding to the water tank. 


Help and Support 

The SkyJuice Foundation is also available for support and assistance and don’t forget to send or email 
us your water project story to us together with photos and be included in the SkyJuice Water Projects 
web page. 

SkyHydrant Set Up Options 

SkyHydrants can be set up to 

operate as single stand alone units


(pictured above) or manifolded 
together into multiple units for high 
flow production (pictured below). 


Raw water to SkyHydrants can be 
supplied by gravity feed overhead 
tanks or by pumps and mains 
pressure using pressure reducing 


 Operating pressure should be 
limited to 40 kPa (6 psi) or about 4 
meters head pressure to produce 
a typical flow rate of about 500 to 
700 litres per hour per unit. 
