User manual / Handbuch / Navod k obsluze
QUATRO Light 160
authority. Please refer to the harness or the front container
user’s manual if available. This requirement is necessary to
make sure that no unsuitable harnesses with integrated outer
containers are used in combination with our reserve.
Please contact your flight school or Sky Paragliders dealer to
prepare for the initial installation. There you can find, in most
cases, a certified compatibility tester.
Be careful with back protector manipulation in your harness
when the rescue parachute is already installed. Depending
on the design of the harness, protector positioning or the
rescue parachute container may affect the ability to easily pull
the rescue parachute out. After any changes it is absolutely
essential to do a simulated deployment under a static swing,
ensuring that the parachute release system operates correctly
and the parachute comes out easily.
Before each flight, check all straps securing the rescue and the
front container to the harness (where applicable). Ensure that
the container is securely closed, and visually inspect that the
safety pins are properly seated & secured and that there is no
1. Look at the deployment handle.
2. Grasp the deployment handle. Pull it free of the outer
container or harness.
3. Using the deployment handle, throw the inner container
forcefully into open air (AWAY from the paraglider canopy).
4. The force of the throw will separate the inner container and
attached handle from the canopy.
5. The canopy – thanks to the central line – inflates quickly and
6. The pilot should then collapse the main paraglider by pulling
the “B” risers to stabilise the descent and prevent the
paraglider from interfering with the reserve parachute.
As with all paraglider rescue systems, the deployment throw
must be forceful enough to separate the inner container from
the canopy.
The following manual is aimed at pilots who are competent
in folding modern square reserve parachutes. The manual
itself cannot serve as a substitute of proper training in folding
a parachute. The manufacturer can ensure the safety and
reliability of the system only in cases where it was packed by
a trained professional who followed a proper packing process.
Before the packing it is necessary thoroughly inspect it:
1. Before repacking, the reserve chute must be aired out, ideally
for 12 hours in a cool, dry room.
2. The packing area must be large enough, clean, level and dry.
3. The reserve chute must be subjected to visual inspection and
checked for damage to the canopy, the lines, the suspension
points, the main riser and the screw shackle.
4. 4.
Make sure that the parachute lines are completely
disentangled and that both the lower line and the upper of
the reef knot run freely from the risers to the canopy.
If you encounter any damage or contamination that may lead
to system failure, it is necessary to get the system to the
manufacturer. If you are at all uncertain, send the system to the
manufacturer for inspection.
Proper packing of the canopy is essential for the reliability and
safety of the system. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to
have the system re-packed only by an authorised and trained
specialist or by the manufacturer.