Your Discovery-5 can take-off with both forward and reverse techniques.
Use forward technique when the wind is light, or there is no wind.
Move forward and your glider will start to inflate. You must maintain a
constant pressure on the risers until the wing is overhead. Brake it a little
and launch.
Use reverse technique in light to strong winds
Pull the glider by its A-risers. When it is overhead, pull the brakes to stop
the glider, then turn and launch.
Practise ground handling a lot! It will help you feel your glider better.
In Flight Characteristics
You can change speed by simultaneously pulling or releasing the brakes or
using accelerator. When brakes are pulled approximately 30 cm - you get
minimum sink rate.
Speed control
Discovery-5 has long brake travel, light brake pressure and turns very well.
It also has high resistance to deflations in turbulence.
Maximum symmetric control travel is 60 cm for S size, 70 cm for M and L