Driving in an economical and environmentally conscious manner
Driving in an economical and environmentally
conscious manner
Shift recommendation for changing gears*
On certain vehicles, the currently engaged gear
fig. 6
is shown in the display of
the instrument cluster.
In order to minimise the fuel consumption, a recommendation for shifting into
another gear is indicated in the display.
If the control unit recognises that it is appropriate to change the gear, an arrow
shown in the display. The arrow points up or down, depending on whether it is recom-
mended to shift into a higher or lower gear.
At the same time, the recommended gear is indicated instead of the currently engaged
gear .
Environmental compatibility
Trade-in and recycling of old cars
Škoda Auto meets the requirements of the brand and its products regarding environ-
ment and ressource protection. All new Škoda vehicles can be utilized up to 95% and
be returned. In a lot of countries sufficient trade-in networks have been
created, where you can trade-in your vehicle. After you trade-in your vehicle, you will
receive a confirmation stating the recycling in accordance with environmental regula-
Detailed information about the trade-in and recycling of old cars is available from a
Škoda Service Partner.
Driving through bodies of water on roads
In order to avoid damage to the vehicle when driving through bodies of water (e.g.
flooded roads), observe the following:
Determine the depth of the water when driving through bodies of water. The water
can reach at the maximum the web on the lower sill of the vehicle
fig. 7
Drive no more than at walking speed. At a higher speed, a water wave can form in
front of the vehicle which can cause water to penetrate into the air induction system of
the engine or into other parts of the vehicle.
Never let the vehicle stand in the water, never drive backwards and do not switch
off the engine.
Driving through water, mud, sludge etc. can reduce the braking power and
extend the braking distance - risk of accident!
Subject to fulfilment of the national legal requirements.
Fig. 6 Shift recommendation for
changing gears
Fig. 7 Crossing bodies of water
s38g.6.book Page 4 Friday, September 18, 2009 1:40 PM