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There are approximately 25 known “human nuisance species” of mosquitoes
Most adult mosquitoes only have a life span of 2-4 weeks
Only female mosquitoes bite
Controlling Mosquitoes
In addition to properly installing and using a SkeeterVac® SV-3501C device, you can
reduce mosquito breeding around your home significantly by reducing the
amount of water that is stagnating on your property.
Be aware that mosquitoes can and will develop in any puddle or pool of water
that lasts more than 4 days.
Dispose of cans, plastic containers, pots, or similar water-holding containers
that have accumulated on your property
Drill holes in the bottom of containers that you must leave out of doors –
trash cans, recycling bins, etc
Clean clogged roof gutters on an annual basis
Turn over plastic wading pools when not in use
Turn over wheelbarrows, empty planters, or children’s toys
Don’t allow water to stagnate in birdbaths
Aerate ornamental pools or stock them with fish
Clean and chlorinate swimming pools that are not being used. Don’t forget
that mosquitoes breed in the water that collects on swimming pool covers
Use landscaping features or drainage tools to eliminate standing water that
collects in low spots on your property
Helpful Links
More information about mosquitoes in the United States and Canada can be
found on the following sites, among many others.
The American Mosquito Control Association
Environmental Protection Agency
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency
None of the agencies listed above is an endorser of the SkeeterVac® SV-3501C
device, and inclusion on the list above does not signify that they endorse the
SkeeterVac® SV-3501C device. Links provided for customer information only.