The Proflame transmitter is an integrated part of the Proflame System, which consists of these elements:
• Proflame transmitter, to be used in conjunction with Integrated Fireplaces Control (Proflame IFC)
The Proflame transmitter provides for controlling the following hearth appliance functions:
1. Main Burner On/Off
2. Main Burner flame modulation (6 levels)
3. Choice of continuous or intermittent pilot (CPI/IPI)
4. Thermostat and smart thermostat functions
5. Accent light modulation (6 levels)
6. Split flow valve
7. On/Off relay
8. Comfort Fan speed modulation (6 levels)
The Proflame transmitter uses a streamlined design with a simple button layout and informative LCD display
(Fig. 1). A Mode Key is provided to index between the features and a Thermostat Key is used to turn on/off or
index through Thermostat functions (Fig. 1 & 2). Additionally, a Key Lock feature is provided (Fig. 23).
Low battery
Key Lock
Dimmer ON
Set Point
Flame ON
Thermostat OFF/
Comfort fan
Split Flow
Aux ON
Fig. A: Detach the adapter from the body
The TRANsmITTeR ANd ReceIveR ARe RAdIo fRequeNcy devIces.
plAcING The TRANsmITTeR IN oR NeAR meTAl mAy seveRely Reduce The
meTAllIc sTRucTuRes oR RAdIo INTeRfeReNces cAN Reduce The opeRATIve dIsTANce
of The devIce depeNdING oN Type of fIReplAce, INsTAllATIoN ANd eNvIRomeNT.
- TuRN “off” The mAIN GAs supply of The ApplIANce duRING INsTAllATIoN oR
mAINTeNANce of The ReceIveR devIce.
- TuRN “off” mAIN GAs supply To The ApplIANce pRIoR To RemovING oR
- IN cAse of RemoTe coNTRol mAlfuNcTIoN TuRN off The Ifc devIce usING
The “oN/off” mAIN sWITch.
- foR INsTAllATIoN/mAINTeNANce sWITch off The Ifc devIce RemovING mAIN
poWeR supply pluG.
- The devIce Is NoT suITAble foR The use of RechARGAble bATTeRIes ANd ITs
opeRATIve dIsTANce Is Reduced WITh loW bATTeRy level.
Remote control
Supply voltage
4.5 V (three AAA LR03 1.5 V batteries)
Ambient temperature ratings
0 - 50 °C (32 - 122 °F)
Typical operative distance in free air
12 m (39 ft)
Radio frequency
315 MHz ( FCC version )
433.92 MHz ( CE version )
TechNIcAl dATA
The Proflame remote control is supplied with an adapter for wall mounting.
Install the controller 1.5 m (5 ft) above floor level, well away from heat sources, kitchens, doors or windows.
Metallic structures or radio interferences can reduce the operative distance of the device.
Make sure to attach the adapter in a level plane without any distortion. Proceed as follow:
• Detach the adapter from the body of the remote control; see Fig. A.
• Position the adapter on the wall, mark the points for the fixing holes and drill the wall.
• Fix the adapter on the wall using the mounting hardware supplied with the remote control.
• Insert the remote control onto the adapter as shown in Fig. B.
Fig. B: Adapter and remote control
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