B1051067 Rev. A
CDR PlusWire User Guide
2.2. Connecting the CDR PlusWire Sensor
Perform the following steps to connect the Sensor to the appropriate
CDR Interface.
1. Connect the USB cable from the CDR Remote, or CDR
Remote HS, or SDX USB interface to the PC workstation.
2. Connect the CDR PlusWire Sensor to the CDR Remote, or
CDR Remote HS, or SDX Sensor interface.
3. Turn on the PC workstation used with CDR DICOM,
EagleSoft, Patterson Imaging, or other intraoral imaging
4. Continue with Section 2.3 to install the Sensor calibration
2.3. Sensor Calibration File Installation
If you are using CDR PlusWire Sensor for the first time, you will
need to install the calibration file created specifically for the Sensor.
In the future, if you decide to use the Sensor on a different
workstation, you must ensure that the calibration file is either
physically installed there, or is accessible to that workstation.
To install the calibration file, perform the following:
1. Ensure that the physical connection between the CDR
PlusWire Sensor and the CDR Remote, or CDR Remote HS,
or the SDX Sensor interface is secure. Also, verify that the
USB cable connection between the CDR Remote, or CDR
Remote HS, or the SDX USB interface and the PC
workstation is secure.
2. Insert the mini-CD calibration disk. Make sure the serial
number on the disk is the same as the serial number of the
Sensor. The Sensor serial number is on the Sensor itself,
above the area where the cable connects to the Sensor.
3. Click
when prompted to install the Sensor calibration
file. The calibration file installs automatically.
4. Click
to close the message box confirming that the
calibration file installed successfully.
5. Repeat these steps on every workstation where the Sensor is
6. Continue with Section 2.4 on page 5 for steps on using the
CDR PlusWire Sensor with CDR DICOM software. (To
create patient exams and to acquire intraoral images in other
imaging applications, refer to the documentation supplied by
those manufacturers.)