SiriusLab Electronics
SolarSounds User Guide v1.0
3. Mode switches
Two mode switches are in the middle of the device and on the left side there is a
VOLUME control enabling you 2 volume levels MAX and MIN.
On the right side is a switch that sets the device in LINEAR or COMPLEX mode.
4. Note selection switches
On the bottom of the device there are 12 switches representing a single octave.
In CHORDS and SCALES mode, those switches are used to access the predefined
chords and scales and in CUSTOM mode, they allow you to choose single notes to
be played.
While in CHORD and SCALE mode just toggling the switch loads the predefined
notes on that switch while in CUSTOM mode the switch needs to be in ON
position for the note to be added on the playing list. If all switches are in OFF
position, the device will be silent. The switches are ON while in the down position
as suggested by the arrow on the right hand side of the device.
5. Using Function buttons
A press on the FN1/CHORDS button instantly enters the saved notes in bank 1.
To enter CHORDS mode, the user needs to press MUTE and while holding MUTE,
press the FN1/CHORDS button. You should hear a beeping sound while holding
the buttons to let you know that device is about to enter a new mode. Upon
releasing the button, it will enter CHORDS mode.
In this mode you can dynamically change chords.
A press on the FN2/SCALES button instantly enters the saved notes in bank 2.
To enter SCALES mode, the user needs to press MUTE and while holding MUTE,
press the FN2/SCALES button. You should hear a beeping sound while holding
the buttons to let you know that the device is about to enter a new mode. Upon
releasing the button, it will enter SCALES mode.
In this mode you can dynamically change scales.
A press on the FN3/CUSTOM button instantly enters the saved notes in bank 3.
To enter CUSTOM mode, the user needs to press MUTE and while holding MUTE,
press the FN3/CUSTOM button. You should hear a beeping sound while holding
the buttons to let you know that the device is about to enter a new mode. Upon
releasing the button, it will enter CUSTOM mode.
In this mode you can dynamically change played notes.