SIRIUS Indoor/Outdoor Home Antenna Installation Instructions: Placed Outdoors – Facing South Satellite
Step 1: Place the Antenna
Place the Indoor/Outdoor Home Antenna outdoors on a window ledge, porch, table, or
patio, where it has a clear, unobstructed view of the south sky (A, in illustration below).
You could also attach it to a soffit of the house with the antenna having a straight up
view of the sky (B, in illustration below) or attach it on a south facing wall of the house
(C, in illustration below), provided that the antenna has a clear, unobstructed view of the
south sky. Mounting options B and C use the mounting points on the antenna’s base to
attach the antenna to the house.
Not sure which way is south? Think about where the sun rises (in the east) and sets (in
the west). Then stand so that east is to your left and you’ll be facing south.
There should NOT be any obstructions such as bushes, trees, other homes or buildings,
overhangs, soffits, chimneys, gables, dormers, etc, blocking the antenna’s view of the
south sky. Be aware that depending upon where you place the antenna, your own home
may block the antenna’s view of the satellite.
Step 1: Place the Antenna