Vehicle GPS Tracking Device
T229L User Manual
mode = passenger,heavyduty or tracker
e.g.: *123456#setworkmode#tracker*
3.2.7 Get working mode
Send SMS
, device will reply
mode = passenger,heavyduty or tracker
e.g.: *123456#getworkmode#*
4. Installation Instruction
4.1 SIM Card Installation
1. Remove the SIM card cover.
2. Insert the SIM card and press gently, a click will be heard upon successfully placing the
SIM card in its place, please follow the insertion direction marked on the SIM card cover.
3. Enable battery switch.
4. Put the SIM card cover back.
There is a backup battery in the device, please make sure all lights are off before inserting or removing
SIM card.
4.2 OBD Port
In general, the OBD port is located in the driver or passenger cabin, from the edge of
dashboard on driver side to the border of 300mm. It is easy to touch by sitting in the driver's
seat; the preferred location is within the area from steering post to the vehicle centerline.